January 20, 2025

Together Brisbane

Brisbane City Queensland Australia Local News

Life Science Start-Ups in Brisbane and San Francisco

Since antibodies form such an integral part of pharmaceutical production, robust patent protection has become even more essential than ever – as evidenced by an increase in life sciences start-ups in Brisbane and South San Francisco.

The State Library houses an impressive selection of patent journals, providing everything from technological specifications and chemical structure drawings to in-depth analyses that could spur innovation. These resources could serve as a great starting point for new innovations.

Patents and Trade Marks

ANGELS Aerospace is a thriving enterprise that designs, produces and launches rockets and aircraft. Through innovative production processes it has developed products with reduced weight without impacting integrity or propulsion capacity; and is currently filing a patent protection application to give itself exclusive commercial rights over this innovation.

Trade marks are signs used to distinguish the goods and services offered by one trader from those of others, using words, letters, colors, shapes, pictures, sounds, scents or aspects of packaging as distinctive indicators of origin. Trademarks can be registered.

The National Archives holds records pertaining to patent, trademark and design registration dating back as far as 1860. After Federation in 1901, responsibility for patent and trademark registers passed from Queensland Patents Office to Commonwealth Government control; prior to this they had been maintained by Queensland Patents Office.

The Australian Official Journal of Patents

The Australian Official Journal of Patents is an official notice publication for intellectual property rights such as patents, trade marks, design and plant breeder’s rights as well as copyright. Published monthly as a searchable database on IP Australia’s website.

Patents: Patents published include full text documents and details of Australian supplementary patent applications and letters patent granted in Australia, with printed copies available at the State Library; print and microfiche indexes are held dating back to 1904. If you know your patent number and year, check AusPat database online or contact a librarian for help.

Edwin Codd designed this residential industrialised construction system house in Taringa, Queensland in 1964 (private collection). Harley Industries constructed this house using welded steel frame construction with metal purlins and non-load bearing metal partitions fabricated by Harley Industries; their system intended to reduce construction costs by eliminating heavy labour needs and double handling materials.

The State Library of Queensland

Established in 1896, the State Library of Queensland serves as both the main reference and research library in Queensland and an advocate and partner to public libraries throughout its territory. As such, its mandate includes collecting and preserving Queensland’s cultural and documentary heritage collection as well as leading library services delivery in partnership with public libraries across Queensland.

The State Library is a legal deposit library and has amassed an extensive collection of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, archives, maps, rare books and electronic resources. As well as providing legal deposit services it also plays an important role as a venue for exhibitions, showcases and workshops; featuring three gallery spaces (slq Gallery, Kuril Dhagun and Heritage suite), each hosting engaging temporary exhibits about Queensland history, art and culture.

The Library also provides services to remote communities via its network of Indigenous Knowledge Centres – currently at Woorabinda, Cherbourg, Palm Island and Thursday Island in Cape York and at Cooktown in Central Queensland – and operates the Country Lending Service which lends books directly to libraries located in small regional towns or areas across Queensland.